

Christoper Bowen

"Petra’s workshop on lyric writing was a light bulb moment for me as a composer who has been chasing lyrics for as long as I can remember. By dissecting the mysterious process of writing lyrics into digestible parts I found new freedom to create the world I wanted to create for the listener. I highly recommend Petra’s workshop to anyone for whom lyric writing is an opaque puzzle – or for anyone seeking a new perspective on the art."

Christopher Bowen
Composer for Film, Music Producer, Formerly of Blue Man Group, Creator of Belongalong

14 May 2024

Paul Edelbluth

"Taking Petra's workshop on Lyrics felt like hanging out with a cool friend who happens to know a ton about music and lyrics! Her teaching style is spot-on, blending theory with real-life examples. It wasn't just about learning the rules; it was about understanding how to bend them to create something unique. Petra helped me approach lyric writing in a whole new way. Instead of just puzzling sentences together, she encouraged me to think about what I really wanted to say with my music. There was never any pressure to be perfect; it was all about exploring and experimenting with our own unique styles. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned songwriter looking to shake things up, I highly recommend Petra's workshops!"

Paul Edelbluth
Singer-Songwriter, Producer, Abbey Road Institute student
3 May, 2024

Gus Machado

"Petra's songwriting workshop helped me overcome a block I always faced when writing. I have the melody and idea in my head, but I lacked a method for putting words on paper. Petra teaches you tools to guide your hand as smoothly as the ideas in your head."

Gus Machado

Singer-Songwriter, Producer, Abbey Road Institute Student
3 May 2024

Kristof Vesely

"I never noticed how much Petra had helped me progress with my music writing capabilities until I look back on my work before I started working with her. It’s amazing how much she has helped me progress. My lyric writing skills and my awareness of my musical boundaries and areas for improvement have been really improved by her coaching. With the knowledge I’ve gained, and still aim to gain, I see how her coaching has really helped me become a better musician."

Krištof Veselý
28 March, 2024

Henny Vas

"Lyrics.. .Setting the scene.. Prosody...Just a few things that Petra Jordan teaches you during her class on writing lyrics... It helped me to see things from a totally new and different angle when producing songs or festival intros… Besides a very clear and effective class... it's So Much Fun.!!"

Henny Vas Producer/Composer/Engineer
August 6, 2018


"Petra is a charismatic teacher who inspires you to start creating good songs. Songs that can capture and express your deeper feelings and emotions. I would recommend her courses to everybody who is into writing songs and creating music!"

Nick Papakostas
December 14, 2018


"I experienced the 3 day course on Essential Songwriting as very useful and inspirational with loads of new inspiration, perspective, exercises and above all tools to work on your songs and songwriting! A definite recommendation!"

Melodictive a.k.a. Melchior Bornhijm
December 14, 2018

"During my study at Abbey Road Institute in Amsterdam, I’ve had the time of my life. Not only I increased my theoretical knowledge, I was participating in many practical workshops as well. One of them has taught me excellent skills when it comes to good songwriting. The workshop ‘Message of the Song’ by Petra Jordan, is one I would like to mention in particular. I’m a producer, not a songwriter, but this workshop gave me plenty of teachings about lyrics to be helpful to my customers during the writing process. If needed, of course.

It literally taught me how to bring out the true message of the song. How you connect various words with each other into one cohesive, clarified story. How your keywords are key when you want to be sure that you say what you have to say. A hands-on workshop with a great interaction between Petra and the students. Actually, you start learning to write proper lyrics immediately, because she pinpoints the most important strategy of lyric writing straight away! Do I recommending it? Oh yes! Message of the Song teaches what it says."

Adam Seller

August 14, 2018

Petra has taught her songwriting workshops at the following locations:
Abbey Road Institute
ARI Road
SAE Institute
United Pop Amsterdam
Max Guitar
Max Guitar Students